Upgration of site code from PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7.2 , Kolkata 7-14 Yr Exp – Software Engineer/ Programmer Job Kolkata

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Contractual Task  Upgration of site code from PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7.2.

Contractual Assignment:

ONI ENTERPRISES is a 23 year old Top Management Job Consultant.

We place IT and Non IT personnel all over the world.

One of the methods of studying the abilities, knowledge and confidence of the candidate is to make him work on a contractual basis on projects provided by ONI ENTERPRISES to you.

Your Test Contract(You get paid in full):

A Website – http://bit.ly/2Icag6N, is already running on site code from PHP 5.5.9

The Server Maintenance desires an upgrade from PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7.2 for all sites that have rented server space.

This upgrade is scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM PST on Thursday, May 16th, 2019.

After the upgrade is completed, the echo.he.net server will be running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

The PHP libraries will be upgraded from PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7.2 which may result in code compatibility issues if we use deprecated PHP code.

Here are the links to PHP changes between PHP 5.5.9 to PHP 7.2:





You will want to take a look at the code deprecations and incompatible changes within the above documentations.

You being the developer should be available to check for and correct any such issues for http://bit.ly/2Icag6N, that may come up before and after the operating system upgrade is completed.

You shall study the existing site code programmed in PHP 5.5.9 , and study if PERL has been used for http://bit.ly/2Icag6N, then upgrade any applications that are installed within our site code to PHP 7.2.

Perl developers with perl code/libraries using either server provided libraries or account installed libraries may see limited deprecation issues after the upgrade.

Locally installed CPAN libraries (perl) may require upgrading using CPAN and POSSIBLY a rewrite to restore much of the prior functionality.

The time to complete the upgrade process cannot be predicted with exact precision as each server has different attributes which may speed up or slow down the upgrade process.

The expected completion time of server upgrade will be between 1-2 hours. During that process our email that is hosted on their server will be not face interruptions in email delivery to our domain.

The web, mysql, and email RETRIEVAL may be degraded or non-functional for some of the upgrade period.

Application for taking on this Test Contract:

Kindly send us your email if interested with detailed explanation of work done in similar upgradation from PHP 5.5.9/ Perl to PHP 7.2.

We shall ring you up and we shall then ask you to quote for this Contractual Assignment.

Terms of this contract:

You shall commit in writing that you shall not take any other assignment during the period of our assignment. 

You shall commit in writing the time that you shall take to complete the task. 

The contract is not complete until it is loaded onto the server and is executing all the functions it is supposed to execute as per the Click buttons available, over a period of one month. 

You shall provide a guarantee and after sales service free of cost for a period of one calendar year. You shall not install any time clock that stops any of the upgraded functions.



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